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Posponed: Star Kiz Tarraxo Promo Weekend hosted by Marten & Yana

19:00 - 21:00

About event

Movem Live in collaboration with the amazing Star Kiz team in Kiev welcomes you to a celebration to an exciting weekend in Stockholm to get a feel for the upcoming 5 year anniversary for the Start Kiz Festival in Kiev. Our goal is to give you a taste of what it will be like to attend this super professionally organized festival with some of the most loved Kiz stars on the planet right now.

Here is some of the highlights for this Promo Weekend:

  • 2 introduction classes in musicality by Mårten & Yana and Dima & Dasha
  • Friday chill party with the theme "sweat-suit" for you to slip in your most comfy outfits
  • 8h+ Masterclass in the exciting style of Tarraxo with Dima & Dasha. We teach progressive level and teach Tarraxo from the ground up during two intensive days!
  • Saturday immersive UV party with a Pandora theme taken its inspiration from movies like Avatar.
  • Free body decoration with UV paint made by our professional team of body artists
  • Colourful Sunday daytime social.
  • Guest dancers and your favourite teachers on the dance floor!
  • Participate live or online via Zoom.

View the full schedule here!
View all tickets and prices here!
Get to know all artists!

Masterclass in Tarraxo by Dima & Dasha

Dima & Dasha Tarraxo demo, See more videos here

We know many of us have seen the explosive and super cool dance of Tarraxo and are curious to know how to do it. In fact it is quite different from Kizomba/Urban/Fusion based on subtle signal and different pattern of musicality. Luckily, we are not alone on the journey to master this new and interesting style of dancing.

We have invited Dima & Dasha, winners of Battle Kiz, students of Gwany and Liliana de Lima, cool couple from the city of Dnipro in Ukraine! They are going to give us super intensive 8h class in Tarraxo techniques from the ground. Isn't this excitement?

The classes are built on what we call "Progressive" level and suitable for any experienced Kizomba/Urban/Fusion dancers regardless of earlier experience with Tarraxo. We also play a lot of music during the classes that will give you as a participant plenty of time to understand, practice and create your own style.

Don't miss this unique masterclass and crack the code for Tarraxo. Participate in a limited number of participants or attend online via Zoom or live stream.

Friday Sweat Suit Party

Our weekend will start from the chill party with theme "Sweatsuit" where we can wear our favourite cozy dress, finishing working days with cool relaxed vibes.

On the Friday, before the party, two introduction classes in musicality, also in progressive level is also included in the price. The first one is From your hosts, Mårten & Yana and the second one is from Dima & Dasha.

Saturday Masterclass & Immersive UV party

The Saturday will start with the Masterclass described above in the daytime. After the classes there will be time to go home and change for the party. The venue will also be available some time before the party get changed, and get your body painted!

The highlight of this weekend is the Saturday party. We have prepared something really special for you. Imagine you arrive in the venue, you undergo creative transformation by our professional body paint artists with your higher self visible only in the UV light! Imagine to step in to another planet, with heavy vegetation and expressing your dance with other transformed dancers!

For the party the most effect would be achieved using white or black clothing with somewhat of a tight fit. Please avoid too delicate clothing that would be damaged by the UV Paint. The paint is water based and made for body paint and should disappear in a normal washing machine.

Sunday Masterclass & Daytime Social

The Sunday the masterclass with Dima & Dasha continues on its second day and the plot thickens!

Directly followed by a colorful daytime Social. On this time everything colourful and fun is allowed! Let your creativity run free!

Who is this event for?

This event is for people with a foundation in Kizomba/Urban/Fusion and comfortable with social dancing.

All classes are in progressive level. Our classes is starts with creative basic techniques and are open for beginners as well as more experienced music listeners. During the presentation we increase the level gradually and in the end of the class there is a challenge for everyone! In Movem classes we help each others to discover, grow and improve as music listeners! And people!

We are looking for creating and appreciating and helpful environment for everyone. In the Movem classes there is no right or wrong, only variants! We are here to find and develop our personal style. We have zero tolerance for bullying, sexist or racist behavior. We will take swift action is we sense disrespect of personal boundaries. We practice hand washing and maintain social distance!

So, on the promo: Win tickets to the Star Kiz festival in Kiev

During the Saturday party we will raffle out 4 full passes to the 5 anniversary Edition of the Star Kiz festival. Everyone who buy a full pass has the oportunity to win! Good luck!


DJ DAVID RUELA (Netherlands)
DJ NARC6 (Germany)
DJ VISSER (United Kingdom)
DJ YOUSS (France)
DJ OMEGA & ELLSYS (United Kingdom)
DJ TEO (Ukraine)
DJ NUO (Ukraine)
DJ GATO (Ukraine)

St'Effy & Val'r (France)
Versus & Sonia (Italy)
Sandra (Spain)
Evey Eve (Ukraine)
Jakob (Sweden)
JayJay&Natalia (United Kingdom)

⭐Taxi Teams⭐
•Kizz Ryders (Netherlands)
•VVK Kizz (France)
•The Dream Kiz (France)
•Kizz Experience (Netherlands)
•Kizomba Lounge (Netherlands)
+more coming soon..

⭐Guest Teams⭐
•TarraxoPop (France)
•Kizz Me Dusseldorf (Germany)

⭐Independent taxi dancers ⭐
•Ella Tarraxa (Netherlands)
•Marta Pastucha (Poland)
•Nathalie Ketting (Netherlands)
•Stephane Aroumougom(France)
+more coming soon..

  • more than 90+ Special Guests from all over the World ⭐

✨ Live Douceur concert by Dj Omega, Dj Youss and Ellsys
✨ 8 Parties (Night and Day)
✨ Workshops by TOP ARTISTS
✨ 2 workshops room - Kizz and Level up room
✨ Social room and Chill - out area
✨ Guests and famous dancers from all over the world
✨ Fantastic decorations of Pandora's night, projection of the space forest, free neon body art for all our guests and complete immersion in the ambiance of Pandora!

" Imagine a beautiful dancing journey that is waiting for you on the enigmatic and fantastic, till yet uninhabited planet - Pandora. Images you are surrounded by exotic fluorescent plants in a mysterious forest and glowing decorations
Our Messengers told us, that the Earth inhabitants love music and hugs. That’s why I am shipping the best DJs and Kizomba world known artists to you. Be the first one to discover and enjoy this wonderful new world, that will stay in your heart forever I'm waiting for you… " Pandora

⭐2 workshops room⭐

------------------------KIZZ ROOM---------------------------
Urban kiz, Sensual, Tarraxo, Musicality, Styling

28 April - 2 May 2022
Kiev, Ukraine

🟡Telegram page :

Backstage and festival's life you can see at:
🟡Instagram :




Friday 11 March
Venue opens for registration

One hour before the classes starts the venue is open for you to come and get registered and hang out with us. Coffee and sweets are available for full pass & Friday day pass holders!

Secrets of musicality with Mårten & Yana

This first class is an opportunity to find the mood, musical patterns, lyrics and accents in the music. The class is in Progressive level delivered by your hosts Mårten & Yana

Get to know the music in Tarraxo with Dima & Dasha

For the second class we invite our guest teachers from Ukraine to play for us their best Tarraxo music and introduce you to new ways of feeling the music and move in Tarraxo. Eye-opening is guearanteed! 😍

Chill party: Theme "Sweat-suit" with DJ Gato, DJ Bangs & DJ Frenger

Put your favorite sweat pants on and kick this weekend off on the dance floor. The mix is mainly Urban Kiz, but with touches of Kizomba, Semba & off course Tarraxo.

Saturday 12 February
Venue opens

Wake up, it is time to learn Tarraxo. The venue opens for attendees with full pass or Saturday day passes. Coffee and sweets are available

Tarraxo Masterclass with Dima & Dasha - Session 1

Let’s kick this masterclass off with the basic techniques of Tarraxo. After getting the basic feel and flow for the dance Dima & Dasha will introduce new moves in increasing level of difficulty for us to try for ourselves.

Venue opens for your transformation

One hour before the party starts, our professional body artists are ready to receive you to get your specific paint job done! Make sure to get your picture taken by our  professional photographer Ivan da Silva.

Immersive UV party with DJ Gato, DJ Bangs & DJ Frenger

The highlight of the weekend is going off with a bang! The Immersive atmosphere, black lights lasers and unlike anything you seen before in Stockholm

Sunday 13 February
Venue opens

Wake up! It is time to continue your journey into Tarraxo. Coffee and Sweets are available for Full pass & Sunday day pass holders.

Tarraxo Masterclass with Dima & Dasha - Session 2

The Journey into Tarraxo continues with Dima & Dasha going more deep into leading and following in Tarraxo. Slow movements, technical steps & techniques for both followers and leaders to take a more active part in the dance will be explored.

Daytime social theme "Colorful"

Show your true colors! The more color the better when we finish of the weekend with a smooth and sweet daytime social until the early evening. Our goal is to put a smile on everyone’s lips and make sure this event was unforgettable!

Tickets conditions

To be able to secure your space your ticket must be purchased in advance. Tickets are non refundable, but you can transfer the ticket to someone else at no extra charge.

About the Artists