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Urban Kizomba Wednesdays in Stockholm at The Park – 26 may 2023

Workshop, Animation, Styling & Social Dance in the Stylish Bistro with Mårten, Yana, Mamadou & Guest DJ

19:00 - 23:30
19:00 - 23:30

 🌇 Welcome to learn, develop and Urban Kizomba with Mårten, Yana, Mamadou & DJ Traxx on wednesdays in Stockholm or live streamed online via Zoom.

🥂 Stylish venue with full menu, coffee & drinks

We dance in the Bistro of the Co-working space The Park at Södermalm, This stylish bistro offers a full menu of food, drinks and coffee until 21:00. The bistro is open all day feel free to come and eat, drink and hang out before the dance!

🎶 Workshops in progressive level & a lot of music!

The classes in Urban Kizomba is is focusing both on exploring and developing your basic techniques as well as steps, styling & tricks! The courses are suitable both for people curious in Kizomba and for the dancers with more experience.

🎟 Tickets & Prices

The event is available both as a discounted 7 lesson season ticket or Drop-in classes and social dance. The event is also available online via zoom via the online tickets. All information and tickets are available on the ticket page:

🤘 Get your ticket via your wellness allowance "friskvårdsbidrag"

All employers in Sweden has the ability to give their employees a tax free allowance for physical training and wellness. Dance is one of the activities included. Choose the payment method "Friskvårdsbidrag in checkout and we will take care of the charge with your employer.

💬 Get in touch!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Mårten Angner:
Mobile: +46 70-7770579
Warm Welcome! 


Bistro at The Park opening hours

Our lovely Bistro opens already in the morning since it is serving the co-working space with coffee and food. So, feel free to pop in at any time during the day and if you show your ticket for the event, you are also welcomed in to hang out in the lounge are at no extra cost!

Urban Kizomba Progressive Workshop with Mårten & Yana

Get ready for an engaging and fun workshop with our teachers focused on exploring the essential techniques of the dance, appy the principles in step combinations, styling & tricks.

Social dance with Dj Traxx & Afro House animation

Let’s party! Our amazing  DJ for the evening will present a social mix for us. Mainly Urban Kizomba but with amazing variety in styles & tempo! Also, be ready for Afro House animation and a lot of fun! 

Tickets conditions

Tickets is non refundable but before the event starts the ticket is transferable to another Wednesday. Online ticket fee is refunded in full if technical difficulties prevent from participation.

About the Artists

Videos from previous event