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Urban Kizomba Celebration in Stockholm

Urban Kizomba Saturday Workshop 10:th June 2023 with Mårten & Anna. Social dance with exclusive Dj mixes from the Movem Friends Channel on Telegram!

15:00 - 01:00
15:00 - 01:00

⚡ Let's celebrate our love for Urban Kizomba?

Welcome to a cool and completely free workshop, dinner & social 10 June 2023 together with Mårten & Anna and the coolest dancers in Stockholm. You might except 3 hours of Urban Kizomba Classes and Social dance with some amazing exclusive mixes from the Movem Friends Channel on Telegram.

This is a great opportunity to get to know Mårten & Anna and get a feel for this amazing sensual couples dance with roots in Angola. We teach all levels and you does not need to have any prior experience with Kizomba to join. We explore key principles in the dance and practice a lot to full songs in the classes.

Here is our schedule:
  • 15:00 Studio opens
  • 16:00 Workshops
  • 19:00-01:00 Dinner & Social dance
Contact us for more information

Mårten Angner
Mobile: +4670-7770579


Studio Opens
3 hours Urban Kizomba Workshop with Mårten & Anna

Let’s inspire, explore new perspectives on our basic steps, then apply them in interesting step combinations and end with a fun challenge! The Workshop is also available online via live stream via Facebook

Dinner & Social dance with Movem Friends on Telegram

Let’s have dinner and then dance together with some awesome mixes from our most favorite DJs available from The Movem Friends Telegram channel. For your convenience we have now gathered over 50+ hours of awesome mixes!

Tickets conditions

The tickets are non refundable, but transferable to another dancer in the same role at no extra charge. The event is going to be recorded for educational and marketing purposes. The material may be published in edited format for online participation and for marketing purposes.

About the Artists

Mårten Angner
Anna Jois