Anna is all about Confidence, her four careers at the present moment all are a testament to that fact, she is a show artist, a singer, a dance teacher AND a DJ! What could be more confident?
She is looking forward to sharing her confidence with you all in Copenhagen, Denmark this April <3
❤️ Welcome to C4 Flow – Confidence ❤️
THIS time the theme is confidence which is why Mårten and Anna are leading the sessions to instill in the attendees what it means to be confident and how one can assimilate confidence into not only their dance but in their personality as well. Confidence isn’t something you wait for. It’s something you build. So let’s get to work.
Pool Pub, Copenhagen
April 12th | 16:00 – 23:00
3-hour workshop
3-hour party
Mårten & Anna (SWE) @martenangner and @annajois
🎧 DJs 🎧
DJ Jois (SWE) @annajois
DJ Ray Starz (SWE) @ray.starz
500 DKK (MobilePay: 71637947)
C4 flow is an event created by the international dance teacher @tierrakizz